Update #7 (Week 8)

Last week, I created a SpawnPoint class that would make zones for the NPCs to spawn. For my particular game, I would only need one spawn point that would make multiple NPCs spawn from a single point, to signify them entering the restaurant. I had considered making multiple spawn points but didn’t think it would seem realistic considering there is usually only one entrance to a restaurant. I created a temporary door asset to act as the spawn point that the NPCs would come through.

To go along with the spawn points, I made a Timer class that would work as a timer for different actions to happen in the game. Having this would allow me to time different aspects of the game for smooth gameplay. For example, I attached a timer to the spawning of NPCs so that they will spawn at the door on a timer, for example, every 5 seconds or so. I could theoretically also use this timer to add multiple food items to the counter periodically for the player to collect.

When I first created the Timer class, I had difficulties getting the NPCs to spawn properly on the door. The first thing I had to consider was how fast the NPCs should be spawned after one another. This is something that I think I will have to tweak further as the game progresses to make sure the flow feels right. Below is the temporary door asset I made to act as the spawn point.






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