Category: Uncategorized

  • Update #13 (Week 14)

    Last week, I focused on creating my capstone poster draft for the capstone showcase. This wound up being more difficult than I had initially anticipated it would be. Since I had never attended a capstone showcase, I used reference photos from previous years to see how the poster was supposed to be made, both in…

  • Update #12 (Week 13)

    Last week, I worked on adding text to my game. I had to do research on how to use text since it isn’t as easy to use as other programs. With MonoGame, you have to upload a font and initialize it before you can write text to the screen. I had a lot of issues…

  • Update #11 (Week 12)

    Last  week, I created the ability to restart the game. Eventually, this will be an option that will be prompted when the user fails a level. For now, there is no way for the player to lose the game, but you can still restart the game if you’d like to. Although the player can’t lose…

  • Update #10 (Week 11)

    Last week, I added a class for structures. In particular I used this class for the tables in my restaurant. As of now, I have only created one table so that I can make debugging easier and more straightforward. I added the table texture near the middle of the screen to signify where the guests…

  • Update #9 (Week 10)

    Last week, I created new player classes and updated my current player classes to clean up the code a bit. I was able to change a few things to make them easier to reference in other files. I also added a secondary NPC to provide some variety to the game. The two NPCs will look…

  • Update #8 (Week 9)

    Last week, I focused on making a health bar for the game. It is made up of two rectangles on top of each other: the bottom one stays constant and the top one will adjust as the player’s score goes down.  I have attached the health bar to the player’s “score”. The player will have…

  • Update #7 (Week 8)

    Last week, I created a SpawnPoint class that would make zones for the NPCs to spawn. For my particular game, I would only need one spawn point that would make multiple NPCs spawn from a single point, to signify them entering the restaurant. I had considered making multiple spawn points but didn’t think it would…

  • Update #6 (Week 7)

    Last week, while playing a game, I realized how convenient it is to be able to set your own keybindings while playing something. I thought this might be useful sometime in the future and decided to make a keyboard class and mouse class rather than use what is built into MonoGame. I created a keyboard…

  • Update #5 (Week 6)

    Last week I struggled with finding and changing aspects of my code due to the way I organized my files. I had the entire game in one long file which made it difficult to work with. I decided to go through my code and separate it into various organized files that can be more easily…

  • Update #4 (Week 5)

    Last week I was out of town with limited computer access for the majority of the week. Due to this, rather than spend a lot of time doing actual coding aspects of the project, I focused more on things that could be done on paper. The first thing that I worked on was making a…
